What The Fás? | Fitness and Mental Health Podcast
'What The Fàs?' answers questions you have about alternative methods of fitness and mental health practices to help you explore movement. Join myself, Coach Zo, to hear stories related to exploring fitness and hear from special guest trivia interviews as we learn from past experiences to better our physical and mental health through goal based practices.
What The Fás? | Fitness and Mental Health Podcast
Can Exercise Make Stress A Good Thing? Eustress and Stress Management
Coach Zo
Managing stress and anxiety can be a difficult challenge to overcome.
But can doing some stressful things be a good thing for your anxiety?
Take a listen with me as we look into what happens in the body during stressful and anxiety producing situations.
We also talk about how different forms of exercise benefits the body in different ways.
Lastly, we talk about the ways we can actually apply this to our daily actions.
Facebook: @fasmovementtraining
Instagram: @thecoachzoyouknow or @fas_movement
Take chances, make mistakes and always ask questions!