What The Fás? | Fitness and Mental Health Podcast
'What The Fàs?' answers questions you have about alternative methods of fitness and mental health practices to help you explore movement. Join myself, Coach Zo, to hear stories related to exploring fitness and hear from special guest trivia interviews as we learn from past experiences to better our physical and mental health through goal based practices.
48 episodes
Outrunning Comparison: The Personal Journey of a Runner
On this episode, I talk about the my running past with playing the comparison game and thinking that I don't belong in the running community. We go on to talk about how runners should instead focus on being better than themselves y...

Best Exercise and Best Trash Dessert | Coach Zo Q&A
We gathered the top 7 questions I received from y'all this past month!We talk about best and worst exercises, my favorite junk dessert and strategies for goal setting.Have a question yourself? Reach out to one of our channels or...

Your Life Isn't Fair: 5 Question To Navigate Your Perspective
"Life Isn't Fair" is a quote I hear often from different people in vastly different situations. Most of the media out there seems to provide advice but doesn't give you any plans of actions or questions to help you navigate through thi...

Can Exercise Make Stress A Good Thing? Eustress and Stress Management
Managing stress and anxiety can be a difficult challenge to overcome.But can doing some stressful things be a good thing for your anxiety?Take a listen with me as we look into what happens in the body during stressful and anxiety pr...

Are You Mom Strong? The Strength Required With Guest Jodi Doerr | WTF POD
Are you mom strong? 💪I talked with salon owner, gymnast and longtime mother, Jodi Doerr. We discuss lessons in dedication (gymnastics and business), life as a single mom, three best things about parenting and what to say to som...

Constructing Your Fitness Future: Blueprinting Success Step By Step
Needing to reconstruct your fitness goals feels tough and many don't know where to start for planning their exercise plans.Take the lessons I am learning from my own construction project and apply them to lay the groundwork for your future ...

Are Your Goals Dumb? S.M.A.R.T. Goals and Motivations
You might have dumb goals and you obsess over motivations.Listen in to set smarter goals and learn why motivation is overrated!
Season 3
Episode 12

Unlocking 3 Habits For Better Sleep: WTF Episode 40
Resolve, Reflect and RelaxLet's go into three key habits that help prepare your body for a good nights sleep!
Season 3
Episode 11

3 Reasons To Stay Dedicated in 2024.. so far
Dedication is a tough thing to stick with. These are three quotes that have to do with dedication that have really resonated with me so far in 2024.Hope they bring some value your way!
Season 3
Episode 10

What's Your Next Move!? Goal Setting With Paul Michael
In this episode of What The Fas, we discuss topics of entrepreneurship, goal setting and planning for the future.Take a listen and enjoy this episode.Paul Michael, Owner of 865PT@865PT on IG865PT.com
Season 3
Episode 9

Finding A Balance Of Work, Life & Adventure With Life Coach Kalli!
Kalli Wilkens is an Adventure/Life Coach with a background in physical therapy.kalliwilkens.com@kalli_wilkens on IGLet this play in the background to give you a new perspective on the work/life balance and find inspiration t...
Season 3
Episode 8

Why Do You Doubt Yourself? (And What To Tell Yourself Instead) WTF Podcast with Coach Zo
When self doubt creeps in, we tend to let it stop us from doing the things we need to do, doing the things we want to do or even trying new things.We will discuss the three things I tell myself when life feels overwhelming and I cannot ...
Season 3
Episode 6

Intermittent Fasting: How & Why To Not Eat For 24 Hours
Intermittent fasting is a topic that is brought up a lot. From different time intervals to claims about their benefits, to precautions on how and why to do it.I recently did a 24 hour fast to provide my feedback on how I felt, the saf...
Season 3
Episode 5

Marathon Miles To Life's Long Smiles: 3 Life Lessons For Goal Setting!
After recently completing my 22nd marathon, I have made mistakes and learned along the way. Take 3 key lessons that I've taken from highlight races and use them for your goal setting needs!- Coach Zo (Fitness Coach)1. Push Your Limi...
Season 3
Episode 4

Master Your Week: Organization From A Runner! WTF Podcast With Coach Zo
I wanted to answer a marathon running question yet also translate the tips into ways you can organize your week to be successful and create solid habits to be your most productive!If you like to read or take notes, here are the tips:1, ...
Season 3
Episode 3

This Is Why You Beat Yourself Up! WTF Podcast Episode 33
The next time you beat yourself up mentally, recognize your H.A.T. to get you back on track!H- HabitsA- AngerT - TitlesFacebook: @fasmovementtrainingInstagram: @thecoachzoyouknow or @fas_movementwww.fasmoveme...
Season 3
Episode 2

The A.P.P.L.E. Today When You Lose Your Way : WTF Podcast Restart!
Did you lose your motivation on that new habit or fall off from your New Year Resolutions?Listen in as I discuss the A.P.P.L.E. principal and how it has helped me get back on track with practicing my new habits and, just like this podca...
Season 3
Episode 1

Why Are You Mentally Drained? | WTF Episode 31 🎧
Feeling mentally drained can be caused by severe stress from our work environments or our own worries and anxieties. Listen in as I talk about what causes you to feel "mentally drained" and what you can do about it!Facebook: @f...
Season 2
Episode 21

Why Do You Freeze Up!? | Episode #30
Sometimes, we freeze up as soon as we get close to accomplishing something BIG! Why does this happen? While it either comes from our fear of change or our inner voice telling us to do something different, today of 'What The Fás?', I ta...
Season 2
Episode 20

The 3 Types of Mental Roadblocks | Episode #29 WTF
Have you ever felt mentally blocked? Perhaps you have something to work on or you need to create new projects and something is holding you back. This episode of 'What The Fás?' I talk about how the past, present and future is contribut...
Season 2
Episode 19

Measuring Up and Meeting Your Expectations! | Episode #28
Sometimes, you will never measure up.Around this time of year, most people have dropped their new years resolutions and feel like they haven't met their goals.In this return episode, I talk about setting expectations and goal setting to...
Season 2
Episode 18

Fitness Training For Holiday Travel | Episode #27
Traveling is no excuse to not keep moving towards your greater goal. Planning times and routines to do on vacation can be tough but with the right structure, we can make it happen!Facebook: @fasmovementtrainingInstagram: @th...
Season 2
Episode 17

Prioritize Your Exercise With ZERO Motivation! | Episode #26
Sometimes it's not our difficulty with exercises or workouts but it's getting to the physical or mental drive to actually begin setting the pieces in place. Today we talk about breaking old routines to add fitness into your lifestyle.
Season 2
Episode 16

Fear Factoring For Goal Setting | Episode #25
In episode 25, we talk about fear getting in the way of our goals and desires.We break down what 'fear' really is, we debate that fear and we talk about making a situation to test the fear so that it does not set us back from goal setti...
Season 2
Episode 15

This Is The Best Workout Activity For YOU! | Episode #24
What workout or activity is best for you? Yes, I'm talking to you.Instagram: @fasmovementtraining or @thecoachzoyouknowwww.fasmovement.comWe tend to just exercise because somebody told us to or just because we ...
Season 2
Episode 14